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Made on Amiga

  The most recent entries are available online.

Name: Carl Read
Website: ShareWorld Archive
Referred by: Alta Vista
From: Above (:
Time: 1999-01-02 16:52:00
Comments: Good site, (which looks much better than mine - and that's not a compliment!), and I've bookmarked it for the Aussie Amiga links. Is there a decent Australian Amiga mail-order company about, BTW? Like, with a web-site? And of course, HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Adam Says: Thanks for the compliment, yes, compliment - your site is hardly aesthetically challenged. I guess just about any of the dealers listed are good, although my experiences with Amiga Innovations and Unitech have been very much so. All the best to you in '99.

Name: Aaron Bowden
Referred by: Voices Inside My Head
From: HAHS
Time: 1998-12-30 16:34:00
Comments: I just connected to the internet and I'm looking 'round.
Adam Says: Let me assure you that not all is as bad as my site... a lot is worse, but there's some good stuff out there, too. See ya.

Name: SummerB
Website: SummerB's Crappy Homepage
Referred by: Voices Inside My Head
From: My mummy, silly!
Time: 1998-12-13 13:35:00
Comments: You don't know who I am, and I'd like to keep it that way. But I guess if you went to my homepage or whatever, u might. But then again. You mightn't. But who cares. Your page is weird, and weird is good. BYE!
Adam Says: Weird is wonderful. Thanks for visiting.

Name: David Register
Website: My Personal Home Page
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Arizona
Time: 1998-12-06 12:24:00
Comments: A great site that you have here! Keep up the good work!!!
Adam Says: Thanks for visiting.

Name: Joanna
Website: Maly kacik Panny Joanny
Referred by: Voices Inside My Head
From: Szczecin/Kingston
Time: 1998-12-03 14:44:00

nice page...BUT...the comments that are underneath each of the boxes in the guestbook form...sound really condesending and snarky

Adam Says: Yeah.. but that's what makes it fit in with the rest of the site. Having said that, I'll review the form, amongst other things I'll soon be refining.Thanks for your comments.

Name: Christina Pet
Website: Cpet's Homie Page!!!
Referred by: Voices Inside My Head
From: Australia
Time: 1998-12-03 14:17:00
Comments: Join my webring!!!
Adam Says: Go away!!!

Name: Amy
Referred by: Voices Inside My Head
From: Winnipeg, Manitoba,Canada
Time: 1998-12-03 07:27:00
Comments: very cool web site!! i enjoyed looking at your picture and reading about you :) well i'll come here again sometime soon!!!!!
Adam Says: Thanks for your comments, Amy. Your cheque's in the mail.

Name: Fruitloops
Website: Cpet's Homie Page!!!
Referred by: Voices Inside My Head
From: Victoria, Australia
Time: 1998-12-02 17:21:00
Comments: PRIVATE

Name: adam
Website: adam's homepage
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: sydney
Time: 1998-10-08 13:02:00
Comments: hey adam... my name is adam too i live in sydney too i own a amiga too this is fucken spooky shit man i ain't jokin! i am from hurstville! i found ya site from ella's homepage and it said adam sydney so seein as i am an adam from sydney i clicked there. i unfortunately no longer use my A500 i used to love it but i have a P233 mmx now and the net and all so like its sittin in my closet with a million cool games there... anyway cool page
Adam Says: Hello Adam. Well, Amiga computers, and more specifically the A500, are similar to the VW Beetle. They were both built in Germany and are air cooled. Then again, it could be that just about everyone either owned an Amiga or knew someone who did - same with the Beetle, or in today's context, a Hyundai (although I'd really rather not compare the Amiga with a Hyundai - bleh). Having said all that, the Amiga has always been a better proposition as far as driving simulation goes than the Beetle (or more so the Hyundai) could ever hope to be.

Name: Joanna
Website: Joanna's Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Kingston, Ontario
Time: 1998-10-05 05:57:00

GREAT page !!!

I like the links.....I thought they were great!

Adam Says: Thanks for visiting and leaving your... "colourful" comments.

Name: vale
Website: Graveyard Shift
Referred by: Voices Inside My Head
From: The Darkness
Time: 1998-10-04 12:09:00
Comments: My site is dedicated to The Graveyard Shift and TABITHA that can be seen on Foxtel's Arena (Australian pay-tv) on Friday night, there is also some info on horror and b-grade movies/actors.
Adam Says: Can't say I'm a huge fan of The Graveyard Shift.

Name: Breanne aka. ''Cheese''
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: same place as the gay PM. (act)
Time: 1998-09-28 16:02:00
Comments: PRIVATE

Name: RaZe your main niggah
Website: wassup yo
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: yo mommas cunt yo
Time: 1998-09-19 20:21:00
Comments: yoyo wassup steemp my home boy..your page is still cool nigga keep it real
Adam Says: I'm the realest, man.

Name: Gustav Stenmark
Website: Gustav Stenmarks hemsida
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Borl�nge
Time: 1998-09-19 07:34:00
Comments: Hej!!Tja bala kort surffar run lite blad v�rdens h�rn och haman h�r underligt
Adam Says: I have no idea what Gustav here is on about - great stuff.

Name: Tim Byron.
Website: Conspiracy Of Noise
Referred by: IRC
From: I'm sure you know.
Time: 1998-09-16 14:27:00
Comments: Hello all. Adam here did sayest this message to thyself on the IRC medium in an attempt to explain his guestbook
"{steempy} bunch of weirdos....."
That means you.
Adam Says: Well you're just twisting the story. You're putting facts in the story. I meant it in the nicest possible way, weirdos.. err.. people!

Name: Benjamin Ortega
Website: Not online yet! Ha!
Referred by: Amiga Ring
From: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Time: 1998-09-16 13:52:00
Comments: *shrug* he said to sign the guestbook...
Adam Says: Yes, he did, and he thanks you for doing so.

Name: Carly-Jo
Referred by: IRC
From: Canada
Time: 1998-09-10 09:42:00
Comments: PRIVATE

Name: Carolyn
Website: |CazzA|'s homepage
Referred by: Voices Inside My Head
From: *mumble*
Time: 1998-09-07 21:36:00
Comments: PRIVATE

Name: Jennifer Shalders
Referred by: Voices Inside My Head
From: Portland VIC
Time: 1998-09-07 17:27:00
Comments: PRIVATE

Name: anita
Referred by: Net Search
From: sydney
Time: 1998-09-07 16:24:00
Comments: PRIVATE

Name: J-jay
Referred by: IRC
From: my house
Time: 1998-09-06 13:51:00
Comments: PRIVATE

Name: David
Referred by: Voices Inside My Head
Time: 1998-09-05 00:17:00
Comments: PRIVATE

Name: Claude M�ller
Website: Claude's Homepage
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Baselland, Switzerland
Time: 1998-08-15 23:06:00
Comments: Hi Adam, great page ! Amiga - back for the future (I wonder when this future actually takes place...:-))
Adam Says: Perhaps this future has already occured - in some distant parallel universe.

Name: Wayne Baxter
Website: Wazat Web Wide
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Newcastle South Africa
Time: 1998-08-15 12:41:00
Comments: I came, I saw, I signed. Great homepage you have here. Come and visit my page and sign my guestbook at Wazat Web Wide.

Name: Tan Hiong Hiang
Website: Steric's Home page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Singapore
Time: 1998-08-09 01:51:00
Comments: Nice Web, Well Done,I like it. Best regards

Name: leah aka bottom aka botbot aka leah domanski aka weah
Referred by: Voices Inside My Head
From: somewhere in adams bedroom
Time: 1998-08-08 17:36:00
Comments: umm yes nice page and ummm yeah
Adam Says: Well Botbot, I'm sure glad you signed. I had had the feeling for some time now that there was someone else in the room with me - now I know why. Apart from that - ummm... I don't know.

Name: baby spice
Referred by: Net Search
From: hurlstone agricultural high school
Time: 1998-08-06 19:57:00
Comments: hello i go to hurlstone ag im polish year 9 who r u?
Adam Says: Well "baby spice", I am truly disenchanted with Hurlstone. I'm amazed that someone could make it all the way to year 9 without having such problems noticed. Firstly you have a rather poor command of punctuation and the like. Secondly , having assumedly read pages and pages about one Adam Smolarczyk (me), you have asked "who r u?". Shame on the system, shame.

Name: Leto Kauler
Website: StarFish * Central - it's great, honestly!
Referred by: IRC
From: Tasmania, Australia
Time: 1998-08-05 08:35:00
Comments: Hey Adam! Nice page... :P
Adam Says: That's nice of you to say, Leto, however I think I should really let you know that my page isn't really nice at all - it's all an illusion. Mmm. Yes.

Name: D Nickel
Website: merlins amiga site/merlinsden
Referred by: Voices Inside My Head
From: NewJersey(u.s.a)
Time: 1998-07-30 03:26:00
Comments: PRIVATE

Name: Ella
Website: Ella's Homepage
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Perth
Time: 1998-07-16 22:12:00
Comments: Adam. This is my second try at your homepage and I feel a lot better now 'coz I actually know you! I think you are one of the funniest guys I know and I happen to think you are pretty cool too. I would really like to introduce you to a friend of mine sometime ... I think you would have a lot in common. Catch you on ICQ ...
Adam Says: You feel better because you know me!? Interesting...

Name: Mark Trenery
Referred by: Alta Vista
From: ACT,Oz
Time: 1998-07-08 21:55:00
Comments: A4000/040, A1200T &&& - certainly when I was an Amiga owner at 16 (1986) I suffered a dearth of cash for hadware and 2MB @ $AUS 700 complete with it's own casing and power cord! was a sight to behold. A current dealer list is great.
Adam Says: The advancements in both the general computing and Amiga markets are quite remarkable. Thanks heaps for the feedback on the Amiga section of my site - I had been wondering if anyone had made use of it.

Name: jelliebabie
Website: jelliebabie's homepage...original eh?
Referred by: Voices Inside My Head
From: Hong Kong
Time: 1998-07-08 21:18:00
Comments: Hi, so maybe this time the voices had nothing to do with it and i came from another guestbook (mine infact - thanks for signing it) your page is cool, but hell anyone who likes chocolate has got to be ok!!!! i coming back to read the rants when you add more...


Name: Grik (ie not the Unabomber)
Referred by: Voices Inside My Head
From: Somewhere in the vicinity of Betelgeuse
Time: 1998-06-05 16:52:00
Comments: There, Adam, I've signed your @#&* will you PLEASE leave me alone?! : P (Be thankful that I'm leaving a mark on your page in a relatively normal fashion - just think of how a dog (for example) might have left its mark!)
Adam Says: Good to see you managed to avoid the bear traps. Are you saying I should perhaps get some of those plastic bottles filled with water incase any dogs ever decide to visit?

Name: Kate (Bugzie)
Referred by: IRC
From: Tasmania
Time: 1998-05-31 21:28:00
Comments: Well I thought that this could be a private message but i thought naarr im not going to put anything corney in it. Great page bye for now love Katie xx

Name: Danni Emeny
Referred by: Voices Inside My Head
From: Eagle Vale
Time: 1998-05-24 00:00:00
Comments: Great homepage... It's me timess I just finished talking to you on mIRC and you emailed me.... Have fun and I'll leave you with a "thought for the day" (Im famous for them) " If you want a happy ending, you've gotta write the book yourself"

Name: Magus
Website: Pete's Page!
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Sydney Australia
Time: 1998-05-21 00:02:00
Comments: Nice page very interesting and "in-depth" was quite impressed with the detail that you went into things on your About Me section. Quite a Pissa was had!! Cheers
Adam Says: Glad you enjoyed yourself.

Name: Steph
Website: Steph's Spot
Referred by: Voices Inside My Head
From: Virginia
Time: 1998-05-20 10:13:00

Name: Henry Kopke
Referred by: Another Guestbook
From: Canada
Time: 1998-04-20 10:37:00
Comments: PRIVATE

Name: ELLA
Referred by: Another Guestbook
From: Perth, Australia
Time: 1998-04-19 05:48:00
Comments: Hey AdamI don't know you at all. I have never seen you, talked to you or met you on IRC. But, you signed my guestbook so I thought I would come check out yours to see if I really did know you and just couldn't remember but I don't know you - I don't think! So anyhow, cool page, funny guy and all that! See you on IRC! Ella xxx
Adam Says: No, we don't know each other, what's your point?

Name: Beth aka Rattie aka sHiHaD aka pinkllama :)
Website: The Rat Cage
Referred by: Voices Inside My Head
From: Perth
Time: 1998-04-19 00:00:00
Comments: Hi, how's it going and all that polite stuff! Well you signed my guestbook so I figured it's only fair for me to come visit yours :o) Well yeh, nice page, and remember: Beware the Saber Toothed pineapples coming in armies armed with blue smurfs and pink llamas to capture earth and obtain liberation for the sacred red yaks. Seeya :)
Adam Says: Yes... I'll try to keep that in mind.

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